
We aim to provide our pupils with an engaging and exciting curriculum. As many areas of the curriculum are naturally interrelated, we teach them through an exciting range of topics and themes which our pupils enjoy. As we have some mixed year classes, we work on a two-year cycle so that there is no chance pupils will repeat a topic or miss learning the key content. Our topics are enriched with varied activities and fantastic visits or visitors. As it is not always possible to make meaningful links across the breadth of the curriculum, there are parts that are taught discretely. However, it is our full aim to ensure that pupils apply the skills and knowledge they have learned in purposeful ways, throughout.

We are continually reviewing our curriculum topics and sequences of learning, making adaptations to improve learning or cover gaps in our pupils’ knowledge (e.g. due to the Covid pandemic). Although our review is ongoing, here are our curriculum plans:

Reception Curriculum Content

Cycle A taught in the current 2024-25 academic year

Cycle B

Our topics are planned to ensure continuity and progression, developing the children’s knowledge and skills in the context of a theme. They are usually led by a historical or geographical enquiry. Some topics might last a whole term but some might only last a few weeks.

Autumn Term 2024 – Cycle A


Year 1/2 – Key Stage 1

Year 3/4 – Lower Key Stage 2

Year 5/6 – Upper Key Stage 2

Spring 2025 – Cycle A


Year 1/2 – Key Stage 1

Year 3/4 – Lower Key Stage 2

Year 5/6 – Upper Key Stage 2

Summer 2025 – Cycle A


Year 1/2 – Key Stage 1

Year 3/4 – Lower Key Stage 2

Year 5/6 – Upper Key Stage 2

Our Curriculum are always under review and subject to change.
Autumn 2025 – Cycle B


Year 1/2 – Key Stage 1

Year 3/4 – Lower Key Stage 2

Year 5/6 – Upper Key Stage 2

Spring 2026 – Cycle B


Year 1/2 – Key Stage 1

Year 3/4 – Lower Key Stage 2

Year 5/6 – Upper Key Stage 2

Summer 2026 – Cycle B

Below are the links to curriculum newsletters for parents with details of what the children will be learning this term.

We are also sharing ‘knowledge organisers’ which set out the key knowledge and vocabulary that pupils will learn in each topic. We hope that, over the topic, parents will look at these with their child (perhaps even test them on what they have learned occasionally) to help this knowledge stick in the children’s minds so they recall it long after the topic has ended.


Year 1/2 – Key Stage 1

Year 3/4 – Lower Key Stage 2

Year 5/6 – Upper Key Stage 2


Reading is our number one priority, particularly following the lockdown, and we have worked hard to improve reading and pupils’ enjoyment of it. We introduced Accelerated Reading in Years 3-6 and improved our Phonics provision in Reception and Years 1&2. In September 2021, we introduced the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds phonics programme. Here is the progression for teaching the sounds. We use several reading schemes such as Big Cat Collins, Oxford Reading Tree, Academy Heroes and Project X and we select books that are carefully matched to the sounds that the children are learning.

Here are links to our reading presentations for parents:

Phonics and Reading explained for Reception and Year 1 – October 2022 You will need to pause the recording in two places to watch these Little Wandle videos:

Reading Presentation for Reception and KS1 – updated October 2021

Reading Presentation for KS2 and supporting information about Accelerated Reading

How to use AR Home Connect

All pupils have access to hundred of online books through Class teachers will provide class access information.


At Greenfield we want our pupils to become happy, assured and  resilient mathematicians who relish the challenge of maths. We want them to develop a deep understanding of all mathematical concepts and we aim to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills. We follow the White Rose Maths Hub scheme of work, which is in line with the National Curriculum.

Long term Maths Overview

PSHE including Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

In the autumn term of 2019, we consulted with parents and staff about the statutory changes to RSE and how these might be implemented at Greenfield. Following the consultation, our PSHE and RSE curriculum has been reviewed and were approved by governors in July 2020 to be implemented from September 2020.  The policy, along with our long term PSHE curriculum overview, can be found on the link below. It also gives details on parents’ right to withdraw from specific elements.

Greenfield RSE Policy


In the core subjects of reading, writing and maths, we assess pupils against specific criteria that we would expect them to be able to achieve at their age. We call these criteria our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

We use tests and other assessment activities to check our judgements.

Everyone can grow in a Greenfield!