Christmas Fair, Book Fayre

We are very excited to announce that the Book Fair will be at our Christmas Fayre this year! We are even more excited to announce that all the books will be half price!!

The Book Fair will be in the foyer for the duration of the Fayre so come and grab some bargains. Books make fantastic gifts.

Reading is so important to a child’s academic achievement. Reading for pleasure helps to broaden a child’s vocabulary, stimulates their imagination and expands their understanding of the world.

Did you know that there is an Icelandic tradition called ‘Jolabokaflod’ or the ‘Christmas Book Flood’? Books are exchanged on Christmas Eve and then the family curl up and read them until they fall asleep. We think this sounds wonderful! So why not stock up on books from our Fair and start your own Christmas Book Flood?

The school will also receive commission on the books we sell so you will be helping us buy fantastic new books for our school library too!