Next week is National Anti-Bullying Week with the theme of ‘Change Starts with Us’. By making small, simple changes we create a safe environment for everyone. Change can start with a simple conversation, by checking in or just by working together.
We have a zero tolerance approach to bullying at Greenfield, and our children are encouraged to tell an adult if they feel someone has done something to them ‘several times on purpose’. This creates the acronym STOP, which is a simple way for children to remember the difference between bullying or a one-off incident. Please reiterate the STOP message at home, and check with your child that there is an adult in school that they would feel happy to talk to should they feel like they are being bullied.
On Tuesday, the children are invited to come to school wearing odd socks to celebrate and raise awareness of Anti-Bullying Week. The range of socks we will no doubt see, will also provide us with a chance to celebrate all of our children’s individuality. Our teachers will be doing some short, focused Anti-Bullying activities throughout next week. Please ask your children what they have learnt. Thank you.