Smooth drop-offs and pick ups

To make life a little easier, we will leave our main doors open between 8.45 and 9am and 3.15 and 3.30pm each day. These are the busiest times for our office, so this should really help.

Our foyer security doors are closed for the majority of the day, only being opened for the short period at 3.30pm when two Key Stage 1 classes leave via the main entrance. If you or your child need to re-enter school for any reason, then please speak to Fran or Clare in the office and they will help you.

As we end Week 4 of our Autumn Term, I would like to thank those parents of children in Key Stage 1 who are allowing their children to go into school independently. We have a lovely team of prefects in the Key Stage 1 cloakroom to help the children if they need it. Please give your little ones a kiss and a wave on the corner, but let them go in by themselves.

Parents of Key Stage 2 children who may need to enter the main school at drop-off time, please do so via the school office rather than by going through the classrooms. Thank you again for your help in maintaining a calm and orderly start to our learners’ day.